A Poet Never Sleeps

One day you will be faced with the impossible. When you become afraid, become inspired.

22 November 2011

Midnite ( You Were Never Really Mine)

For Midnite who in his life,
Jumped on the Christmas Tree,
Eating tinsel , batting ornaments,
Sleeping in-between presents.

For Midnite who in his life,
Liked eating French fries,
But only ones from McDonalds ,
Licking of my hairspray, or
Eating Dad’s bamboo plant.

For Midnite who in his life,
Walked on a leash through the park
But was no man’s best friend.
Because he had a fear of men,
Hiding underneath the couch , a scardey cat .

For Midnite who in his life,
Was adopted from a shelter,
A little black cat, with pale green eyes,
On the to- be – killed list, but survived,
As my mother’s kitten.

For Midnite who in his  life,
Broke his hip last spring,
Refusing to use the litter box,
Died on my thirteenth birthday,
At the old age of twenty-two,
In my mother’s arms.

For Midnite who will always be,
In our hearts , and always near,
 never really gone,
Silently meowing to be played with ,
Purring like a motor boat.

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